Sunday, March 7, 2010

Consider these questions.....

Why are Catholic and Protestant Bibles different?
Where does the Bible come from?
How do we know what's true in the Bible?
Why is Jesus' crucifixion the centerpiece of the Gospels?
What does Jesus' second coming mean?
What do we know about Jesus' life?
Is Jesus really present in the Eucharist?
How do we know the Resurrection is true?

How does the Eucharist help us become the Body of Christ?
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit received at Confirmation?
Why do Catholics confess their sins to a priest?
What is a sacrament?
How many sacraments are there and what are they?
What happens when we are baptized?
Why are babies baptized? Aren't they too young to accept Jesus?
What's the difference between Confession and Reconciliation?
What does the Sacrament of Marriage reveal to us about God?
If lay people are now called to minister, why do we need an ordained priesthood?
When should someone receive the Anointing of the Sick?

Isn't abortion basically a question of personal freedom?

Why do we speak of God as Father, Son and Spirit?
How is God's love expressed?
What is Mary's relationship to Catholics living today?
What does the Holy Spirit do?

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