Thursday, February 25, 2010

Saints' Names

Check out the links to the side for suggestions about confirmations saints. Remember--this is your chance to undo all the psychic damage your parents did by saddling you with a name you don't like! :-)

Folks choose their patrons for various reasons--and for nor particular reason. Prayerfully consider what you want to do, and your saint will probably find you.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 28

Next week we will discuss the four Marian dogmas: Mary, the Mother of God, the Immaculate conception, Mary's perpetual virginity, and the Assumption. Keep an eye out on the blog for additional postings and links to read. In the Catechism, pp 251-254 are a good place to start. Keep in mind that Mary always points us to Jesus and the Marian dogmas all point to an essential truth of Christ. More later!

If I do not already have your Baptismal certificates, please get them to me. Also let me know your sponsor and saint name, when you have decided. Please also make sure you have touched base with Msgr Herbert to ensure that all your bases are covered.

Last but not least, check out the link tot he right: Undercover Boss. It is a great homily to keep in mind as we go through our Lenten journeys together.

All the best--BHG

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Check out Msgr. Pope on Confession!

Msgr. Charles Pope has an awesome post on confession. Check it out! See link to the side!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 21: Last Things

Today's readings focus on salvation and on temptation. Please take time to read all four of the readings before class, and think about their meaning in your life. In class we will discuss salvation, justification, faith, works, purgatory and indulgences (whew!) Big chunk of material but it all relates. Take a look at some of the links I have posted. Remember you can find the readins on the USCCB site (

Sunday February 14

It's Valentine's Day! And the love letter from Christ to His people is found in the readings. Jesus teaches, in the Sermon on the Mount, the essence of the Christian faith. Todays reading is centered on the beatitudes: the virtues of Christian faith. Take time to read the whole of the Sermon on the Mount this week, and take a look at some of the readings I have posted. Sunday's class will be focused on the beatitudes. Readings can be found at the USCCB site (

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We will be meeting this Friday February 5, at my house, 6:30 for fellowship, dinner and "Ask the Msgr" time. E-mail me at if you need directions, and please let me know whether you are coming so I can plan for food. Thanks! BHG